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Income Insights

Your Guide to ESG Investing

By Roger S. Conrad on May. 20, 2022
The S&P 500 ESG Index has kicked out Tesla Inc (NSDQ: TSLA), the company that made electric vehicles cool: That’s the latest nonsense in the world of environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing, which according to Bloomberg Intelligence projections will govern nearly $38 trillion of assets by the end of 2022.

Uncle Sam Up-ends US Solar: Here’s How to Navigate the Fallout

By Roger S. Conrad on Apr. 26, 2022
The Obama Administration called its energy policy for America “all of the above,” promoting breakthrough research on cleaner sources while sanctioning unprecedented construction of needed infrastructure including pipelines. Trump clearly favored “drill baby drill” over new wind and solar. Under Biden, however, what we’ve seen for policy is often “none of the above.”

Talking China: There’s a Big Opportunity in Energy

By Roger S. Conrad on Mar. 3, 2022
The eyes of the world are on fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. But energy investors would do well to instead check out my key takeaways from this week’s “U.S.-China Regional Dialogue Series: Forum on Innovation in Energy, the Environment and Sustainability.”

Telecom’s Big 4: Strong Results But Still Little Respect

By Roger S. Conrad on Jan. 29, 2022
What exactly must the four companies that increasingly dominate US communications do to earn a little respect? That’s a fair question following investors’ tepid reaction to strong Q4 results and updated guidance.

Utilities Will Beat Inflation in 2022

By Roger S. Conrad on Jan. 18, 2022
With inflation again on the move, it’s fair to ask how vulnerable the Utilities sector is to another 70s-style meltdown.

The Hydrogen Economy: Reality and Hype

By Roger S. Conrad on Dec. 18, 2021
It’s been more than four decades since the Hindenburg disaster slammed the brakes on the era of hydrogen-fueled dirigibles. But nature’s lightest element continues to capture the world’s imagination as a clean, plentiful and potentially cheap energy source.

S&P Global Clean Energy Index: Making the Case for Picking Your Own Stocks

By Roger S. Conrad on Oct. 23, 2021
Is it possible to invest effectively in renewable energy without the stocks of world’s two largest producers of wind and solar? Standard & Poor’s apparently wants us to find out.

Energy Transition and Cycle: Huge Winners from Dissonance

By Roger S. Conrad on Oct. 20, 2021
This morning, America’s leading wind and solar power producer NextEra Energy (NYSE: NEE) announced outstanding Q3 results. This first major renewable energy producer to report gives solid confirmation that the global energy transition is alive and well, no matter what happens at the ongoing UN Climate Change Conference.

Into the Wilds

By Roger S. Conrad on Jul. 20, 2021
I’ve been an adult volunteer for Scouting BSA since my oldest son entered Tiger Cubs almost 20 years ago. So I wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to accompany my youngest to Philmont Scout Reservation in northern New Mexico earlier this month, my third and likely final trek to scouting’s paradise.

Unlike the highways my oldest son and I took on our cross-country journey in early June, there’s not a lot of connectivity in the backcountry. And I’d never have been able to stay off the grid were it not for the support of Elliott Gue, my partner of more than 8 years at Capitalist Times.

Nonetheless, as with the June trip, I picked up several investment insights I’d like to share with you now.

Bidding War! Midstream M&A’s Train Picks Up Steam

By Roger S. Conrad on Jun. 4, 2021
Too many small owners lacking critical scale, and unprecedented roadblocks to new energy pipeline infrastructure was at the core of the wave of US oil and gas midstream dividend cuts and bankruptcies of the past few years. But now those same forces are spawning something considerably more positive for investors.



Roger S. Conrad needs no introduction to individual and professional investors, many of whom have profited from his decades of experience uncovering the best dividend-paying stocks for accumulating sustainable wealth. Roger b