We check in on 14 more of our Portfolio holdings that have reported quarterly earnings, and the big news on our recent WIN.
On July 14-15, the US Energy Information Administration held its annual conference in Washington, D.C. Speakers ranged from government analysts and statisticians, politicians and regulators to high-level industry consultants and luminaries like author Daniel Yergin. My colleague Elliott Gue and I attended to uncover investment opportunities obscured by faulty conventional wisdom. Here's our take.
Ten more companies have reported first-quarter earnings. Here's the rundown.
Five more Portfolio holdings have reported earnings. Here's my take.
Few companies attract as much attention when they report quarterly earnings as Telecom’s Big Two: AT&T Inc (NYSE: T) and arch rival Verizon Communications (NYSE: VZ). And the past week has been no exception.
Uncle Sam is kicking the can down the road again on the Keystone XL Pipeline. In a non-decision that should have surprised no one, the US State Department delayed a final ruling on the $5.4 billion project.
Roger's favorite utilities for investors seeking superior price appreciation by taking calculated risks.
Harness the tried and true wealth-building power of rising dividends.
Nothing compounds wealth like reinvesting a rising stream of dividends.
Warning: Falling Dividends.
Roger's current take and vital statistics on more than 200 essential-services stocks.