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Portfolio Article

Focus on Strategy

By Roger S. Conrad on Mar. 10, 2016
Utilities take the crown as the S&P 500’s top-performing sector this year, with the group generating a total return of 10.5 percent. Much of this strength reflects the appeal of utilities’ resilient cash flow and generous dividends, qualities that make the sector a good place for investors to hide out in uncertain times. But every stock takes a hit in a bear market; savvy investors should bide their time and wait for valuations to improve.

Utility Report Card: Coverage Update

By Roger S. Conrad on Feb. 7, 2016
This month, we’ve dropped six oil and gas producers from the Utility Report Card because these names have little in common with the utility stocks at the core of our investment strategy, aside from paying (or formerly paying) dividends.

Time to High-Grade

By Roger S. Conrad on Feb. 7, 2016
In a bear market, the weaklings always suffer the most. Investors should reduce risk, consider taking profits on any names that have rallied to unsustainable valuations and keep an eye out for opportunities to add to or establish positions in high-quality names.

New Year, Time-Tested Strategy

By Roger S. Conrad on Jan. 11, 2016
By most measures, last year was a difficult time for income-seeking investors, as anticipation of the Federal Reserve’s first rate hike since 2006 weighed on sentiment toward dividend-paying stocks. Here’s our strategy for 2016.

All Eyes on 2016

By Roger S. Conrad on Dec. 6, 2015
With only a few weeks remaining in 2015, time is running out for utility stocks to avoid their first down year after exiting January in the green since 1987. We review our macro outlook, highlight a handful of stocks we’d consider adding to our model Portfolios on a pullback and revisit some of our losers.  

A Sleep-Easy Strategy in Uncertain Times

By Roger S. Conrad on Nov. 7, 2015
Having confidence in your holdings’ underlying businesses makes it easier to endure a volatile market without losing too much sleep.

Four Stress Tests for Your Portfolio Holdings

By Roger S. Conrad on Oct. 12, 2015
How comfortable would you be holding your stocks in a bear market? With the bull market show its age—including consistently bad breadth—this question has taken on new urgency as the year winds down.

Managing the Downside

By Roger S. Conrad on Sep. 13, 2015
Only time will tell whether recent volatility in US equities will develop into a full-on bear market. In the interim, here’s a plan that will keep you invested and generate a steady stream of dividends. We’ll also highlight strategies to avoid the destructive behaviors that seem rational during selloffs great and small.

Making Calculated Moves

By Roger S. Conrad on Aug. 11, 2015
In the second half of 2015, our investment strategy remains focused on the long term and opportunistic in the near term.

Strategy Review

By Roger S. Conrad on Jul. 12, 2015
Heading into earnings season, we expect most of our Portfolio holdings to post solid second-quarter results. Nevertheless, the macro backdrop suggests that investors should take some profits off the table in their big winners and take advantage of any pullbacks to buy high-quality names.



Roger S. Conrad needs no introduction to individual and professional investors, many of whom have profited from his decades of experience uncovering the best dividend-paying stocks for accumulating sustainable wealth. Roger b