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Utilities Rebound But the Market’s Still Flashing Yellow

By Roger S. Conrad on Apr. 10, 2023

What’s Wrong with Renewable Energy

By Roger S. Conrad on Mar. 10, 2023

Looking Abroad for Utility Values

By Roger S. Conrad on Feb. 9, 2023

In 2023 Focus on High Quality and Cash

By Roger S. Conrad on Jan. 10, 2023

Rising Interest Rates and the Debt Issue

By Roger S. Conrad on Dec. 12, 2022

Solid Earnings Drive Strong Returns

By Roger S. Conrad on Nov. 14, 2022

Income Stocks in a Sell Everything Moment

By Roger S. Conrad on Oct. 10, 2022

Utilities are Bear Market Champions So Far

By Roger S. Conrad on Sep. 8, 2022

Utility Values: Holding Guidance is the Key

By Roger S. Conrad on Aug. 8, 2022

Top Quality Utilities: Your Antidote for Rising Recession Risk

By Roger S. Conrad on Jul. 11, 2022

When the Bear’s Ravaging the Averages, Look to Best in Class Stocks

By Roger S. Conrad on Jun. 10, 2022

Inflation Shapes Performance In a Still Pricey Stock Market

By Roger S. Conrad on May. 9, 2022

Utilities are Popular Again, Here’s How to Take Advantage

By Roger S. Conrad on Apr. 11, 2022

Utilities Holding Steady, But Watch for Shifting Ground

By Roger S. Conrad on Mar. 14, 2022

Seek Superior Dividend Growth to Beat Inflation

By Roger S. Conrad on Feb. 14, 2022



Roger S. Conrad needs no introduction to individual and professional investors, many of whom have profited from his decades of experience uncovering the best dividend-paying stocks for accumulating sustainable wealth. Roger b