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  • Roger S. Conrad

Roger S. Conrad needs no introduction to individual and professional investors, many of whom have profited from his decades of experience uncovering the best dividend-paying stocks for accumulating sustainable wealth.

Roger built his reputation with Utility Forecaster, a publication he founded more than 20 years ago that The Hulbert Financial Digest routinely ranked as one of the best investment newsletters. He’s also a sought-after expert on master limited partnerships (MLP) and former Canadian royalty trusts.

In April 2013, Roger reunited with his long-time friend and colleague, Elliott Gue, becoming co-editor of Energy & Income Advisor, a semimonthly online newsletter that’s dedicated to uncovering the most profitable opportunities in the energy sector.

Although the masthead may have changed, readers can count on Roger to deliver the same high-quality analysis and rational assessment of the best dividend-paying utilities, MLPs and dividend-paying Canadian energy names.


NextEra’s Earnings Portend Well for Utilities and Renewable Energy

By Roger S. Conrad on Apr. 24, 2020

Heading into Q1 earnings reporting season, the big question for electric utilities was how big a hit COVID-19 fallout would deliver to demand for power. Now we have answers from first reporter NextEra Energy (NYSE: NEE).

Kinder’s Dividend Decision Is Prudence, Not Weakness

By Roger S. Conrad on Apr. 23, 2020

In 2017, financially recovering Kinder Morgan Inc (NYSE: KMI) promised investors three dividend increases. This week, for the third increase it offered up a 5 percent lift for 2020, just 20 percent of what was promised. Under normal conditions, I’d view a shortfall like this as a potential warning of underlying business weakness. In Kinder's case, here's why it's not.

AT&T’s Earnings: Half Empty and Half Full

By Roger S. Conrad on Apr. 22, 2020

AT&T Inc’s (NYSE: T) Q1 results answer two key questions about COVID-19 fallout and the telecom giant's resiliency.

Solar Energy: Still Growing, But Not Everyone’s a Winner

By Roger S. Conrad on Apr. 18, 2020

Before COVID-19, renewable energy was a bona fide, red-hot global investment theme. But the prospect of a deep recession has caused many consumers to reconsider making big purchases like rooftop solar systems.

Q1 Earnings: Here’s What’s Important

By Roger S. Conrad on Apr. 17, 2020

With the virus still spreading and shutdowns continuing, forecasting COVID-19’s eventual damage to human health and the global economy is still a matter of conjecture, making it difficult for management teams to set guidance for the rest of 2020.

However, Q1 numbers and guidance, to be released over the next several weeks, will be absolutely critical to making good decisions, particularly where dividend safety is concerned.

Dividend Safety is the Name of the Game

By Roger S. Conrad on Apr. 13, 2020

Over the past two weeks, the Dow Jones Utility Average has recouped nearly two-thirds of its initial bear market plunge. That’s the sector’s most dramatic two-week rally in history, following its most brutal one-month selloff.

Along the way, we’ve been able to buy every Portfolio stock below its maximum entry point. And 30 have traded under “Dream Buy” prices, levels only reached under extreme conditions like those we’re living through now.

The question now is will utilities’ current “V” shape recovery continue? Or will stocks follow the pattern of every previous market and at least retest the lows?

On the positive side, the spread of COVID-19 appears to have eased up in some hard-hit areas, particularly China. That’s raised hopes the world can go back to work in the relatively near term.

Enel SpA: Green is Still Green

By Roger S. Conrad on Apr. 13, 2020

Falling oil prices and economic weakness have historically been bad news for wind and solar power. But this time around, they’re shaping up bullish for global electricity producer Enel SpA (Italy: ENEL, OTC: ENLAY).

Dividend Investing in Dangerous Times

By Roger S. Conrad on Apr. 13, 2020

Since the March issue, I’ve sent Conrad’s Utility Investors readers three action Alerts. Throw in the three Income Insights and two Utility Roundups and that’s quite a bit of extra homework.

COVID-19 Accelerates Dividend Cuts

By Roger S. Conrad on Apr. 13, 2020

What a difference a month makes. In March, I noted most of the nearly 200 companies we track posted solid 2019 results, holding out the possibility economic fallout from COVID-19 would create casualties.

Dividend Safety: Here’s Your Guide

By Roger S. Conrad on Apr. 13, 2020

Take your pick of the S&P 500, Dow Jones Utility Average, or any other sector index and the chart tells the same tale: Stocks’ rebound from late March lows has reached a level that in all previous bear markets has signaled rally’s end.



Roger S. Conrad needs no introduction to individual and professional investors, many of whom have profited from his decades of experience uncovering the best dividend-paying stocks for accumulating sustainable wealth. Roger b